Saturday, August 30, 2008


Tyler got his cast off

Erica turned 15

Had a fabulous time seeing Cheap Trick, Heart and Journey at Lake Tahoe with Karen and the girls

Erica had the best time in Santa Cruz with Karen, Leah, Cole, Beach, Quincy, and friends

Jenna rocked math camp at UNR

Kevin left his job for a nifty new one. It's super yet I'm still getting used to his "office" in the corner of the bedroom.

Tyler and Kev had a super time at the A's game - Tyler got tons of autographs and a foul ball

Jenna spents many days at Wild Waters getting lots of sun

Kids and Kevin had a great time camping, and I had a wonderful time at home, alone

I turned 43

What the hell did I do in August?

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Seriously...where did August go, not to mention summer! It's hard to believe that school is already back in session...and that it's been so long since we have talked! Where did the time go!